Symposium 2023
Reykjavik, Iceland
New technologies - from bench to bed
The Norwegian Association of Medical Physics and the Danish Association of Medical Physics is honored to welcome you to NACP Symposium, NACP's triennial conference, this year in collaboration with the Icelandic Society, in Reykjavik, Iceland.
The theme of the NACP 2023 symposium is “New technologies from bench to bedside” including topics such as artificial intelligence in medical physics, new technologies within therapy and diagnostics and translating new technologies into clinical practice.
Hilton Reykjavik Nordica Hotel
Day 1
Thursday, March 30
Arrival Reykjavik - symposium start at 14:30
Day 2
Friday, March 31st
Day 3
Saturday, April 1st
Sunday, April 2nd
Return flight home or stay one extra day for optional post-conference tours.
NACP 2023 is endorced by
NACP 2023 is supported by the official journal of the five Nordic oncological societies
NACP 2023 Gold sponsor
NACP 2023 Silver sponsor
The NACP 2023 is hosted by The Norwegian Association of Medical Physics and the Danish Association of Medical Physics in collaboration with the Icelandic Society, in Reykjavik, Iceland. The hosts can be reached at [email protected]